I Am Legend
Based on the 1954 novel by Richard Matheson, I Am Legend is the story of Robert Neville (Will Smith), the last man living on Earth, with some zombie-vampires thrown in for action.
Read reviews for vampire movies on Deliriumsrealm
Based on the 1954 novel by Richard Matheson, I Am Legend is the story of Robert Neville (Will Smith), the last man living on Earth, with some zombie-vampires thrown in for action.
Hellion reviews Perfect Creature, an alternative universe action/horror fantasy where vampires and humans live side by side in 1960s New Zealand.
Hellion reviews The Thirst, a vampire flick about a group of vamps who save a troubled drug addicted young stripper named Lisa dying from cancer.
If you like horror and suspense films and aren't turned off by gobs of blood and gore, The Descent is a must see.
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