Deumus in the Dictionaire Infernal

Dictionnaire Infernal – Collin de Plancy (1863) (paraphrased)
Deumus/Deumo is the goddess of the Calicut in Malabar. She is really a devil adored under the name of Deumus. She wears a crown, has 4 horns on her head and 4 hooked yet strong teeth in her mouth. Her nose is pointed and hooked. Her feet are like a rooster, and she holds a soul between her claws which she seems ready to devour.
Who is Deumus?
Sometimes, it is difficult to determine where a specific demon in the Dictionnaire Infernal originated. For Deumus, my three working theories are that she is either:
- an aspect of Durga in the Hindu pantheon, which would make sense in terms of location
- she somehow is identified with Dou Mu in the Taoist pantheon
- she originated from the Greek god “Deimos,” the god of fear and dread, and son of Ares & Aphrodite