The Greek equivalent of the Slavic/European vampire was called the "vrykolakas" derived form the older Slavic term "vblk'b dlaka", meaning wolf pelt wearer.
The Greek equivalent of the Slavic/European vampire was called the "vrykolakas" derived form the older Slavic term "vblk'b dlaka", meaning wolf pelt wearer.
Two of the many types of vampires in Africa, the obayifo and the asasabonsam.
Germany had mainly two names for vampires: Nachtzehrer ("night waster") used in Northern Germany and Blutsauger ("bloodsucker") used in Southern Germany and Bavaria.
The Czech and Slavic vampire was called a upir or a nelapsi. The upir had two hearts and two souls.
The chiang-shih is the Chinese version of the vampire. In Chinese belief, each person has 2 souls, a superior & an inferior soul.
The nature of vampires, benefits of baptising your children early, and how to kill a vamp in Bulgaria.
These little red men like to feed on people who camp underneath fig trees.
Sons of God, Sons of Israel, the Nephilim, the Rephaim, and the Flood Myth
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